Association Kumache
Regenerating Life
Support our Projects
Apoya nuestros Proyectos
IBAN: CH83 0900 0000 1594 8614 9
Dénomination compte : Kumache Regenerating Life Genève
Donate using PayPal
Você pode nos apoiar através de doações via PIX
PIX: 92992798380
Banco Inter
No nome de: Alicia Carolina Bertsch
We are looking for potential supporters to fully realize our project. If you wish to support and join this mission as a citizen or as an organization/institution, you can support us through our association based in Switzerland, mainly in two ways:
- as an active financial benefactor, through the contribution of any type of donation, sponsor or patronage, be it economic or material;
- as an official collaborator, via institutional support, access to protected areas or conservation projects on site or with logistical support for our activities.
All contributions and donations are highly appreciated and will be properly acknowledged and highlighted on our vehicle, website and social network. In addition, we publish a bimonthly newsletter in which we will give a brief account of our activities and our progress. If you want to receive it to be informed, we invite you to register via email on our site.
Many thanks! Muchas gracias! Muito gratos!